Activities to date

Since its establishment, HWS has supported a range of activities including library collection-building, PhD and postdoctoral research, course design, public lectures, and museum exhibitions and other cultural events. HWS has had the privilege of welcoming prominent scholars to Leiden as Visiting Professors who work intensively with local communities in Chinese Studies, Asian Studies, Art History, and museum work. From 2011 to 2015, HWS supported the National Museum of Ethnology's (Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde) development of its China strategy as an integral part of its collaboration with Leiden University.

HWS currently privileges events with a pivotal role for local and visiting scholars whose work is of interest to academic and cultural audiences alike.

Individuals supported by HWS to date include, in alphabetical order by surname:

Thomas Berghuis
John Clark
Lisa Claypool
Francesca Dal Lago
Anne Gerritsen
Lennert Gesterkamp
Anna Grasskamp
Jeroen Groenewegen
Guo Hui
Tjalling Halbertsma
Shih-shan Susan Huang
Monica Juneja
Svetlana Kharchenkova
Koos Kuiper
Lai Yu-chih
Ute Lauer
Oliver Moore
Julia Murray
Paramita Paul
Peng Ying-chen
Pi Li
Jessica Rawson
Christopher Reed
Fresco Sam-Sin
Shen Kuiyi
Shen Hsueh-man
Shih Ching-fei
Jonathan Silk
Jan Stuart
Jeremy Tanner
Shelagh Vainker
Willemijn van Noord
Lucien van Valen
Robin Visser
Wang Cheng-hua
Wang Wenxin
Stephen Whiteman
Winnie Wong
Xu Guanmian
Erik-Jan Zürcher