Hulsewé-Wazniewski Foundation
Origins and scope
The Hulsewé-Wazniewski Stichting (Hulsewé-Wazniewski Foundation, HWS) was established in 1997, in commemoration of Prof dr A.F.P Hulsewé, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at Leiden University from 1956 until 1975, and his wife, Ms M.M. Hulsewé-Wazniewski. Their generous donation of funding has enabled HWS to pursue its mission, viz
in the archaeology, art, and material culture of China
at Leiden University.
HWS welcomes funding applications for various types of activities, emphatically including comparative and collaborative academic and cultural work that reaches out to other disciplines, themes, and areas. It is actively interested in networking and collaboration with other institutions in the general area and wider context of its mission.
Financial statement
HWS qualifies as an ANBI (algemeen nut beogende instelling) as defined in Dutch tax legislation.
In 2019, HWS achieved a gain of EUR 403.013 from its investments. It supported various projects and individuals for a total of EUR 29.250.
In 2019, HWS earmarked a further EUR 60,000 for the support of visiting scholars, research grants and other projects in the coming years.
HWS board members receive no remuneration.